Baseball Facts: Things You Need to Know

sports lover guide

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By Abhishek Chandel

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It is a game played between two teams, both  consisting of nine players

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Abner Doubleday did not invent baseball; it is a myth perpetuated by a commission in 1907

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Baseball is often called the "National Pastime," a term first used in 1856 by The New York Mercury.

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The Cincinnati Red Stockings were the first professional baseball team in 1869, followed by 11 others that same year

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The Cincinnati Red Stockings had a perfect 19-0 record in 1869, but the Brooklyn Atlantics won the pennant with a 15-6 record

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The pitcher's plate in Major League Baseball is 10 inches higher than home plate and placed 60 feet and 6 inches away

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Taiwan, Venezuela, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic consider baseball their de facto national sport

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art holds the Jefferson R. Burdick baseball card collection, consisting of 30,000 cards

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Baseball first appeared in the Olympics in 1904 and was an official Olympic sport from 1992 to 2008

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