Cristiano Ronaldo's Diverse Business Ventures

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Sports lover guide

By Abhishek chandel

CR7 Hotels: Joint venture with Pestana Hotel Group, hotels in Madeira and Lisbon, plans for Paris and New York

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Fashion Empire: Clothing lines, lingerie for adults and children, CR7 Denim jeans, Eden Perfume collaboration

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Zela Restaurants: Partner in Grupo Mabel Capital, upscale Zela restaurants in Ibiza and London

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Fitness Franchise: CR7 Crunch Fitness centers, initial presence in Madrid

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Private Jet Rentals: Ronaldo's private jet rental business, premium rates, significant profits

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Hair Clinic: Co-owns Insparya hair clinic, hair transplantation focus, branches in Portugal

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Financial Investments: Stakeholder in various ventures, including Grupo Mabel Capital

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Brand Expansion: Utilizing his fame to diversify income streams beyond soccer

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Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with established companies in different industries

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Entrepreneurial Vision: Demonstrates Ronaldo's business acumen and entrepreneurship

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