Fascinating Facts About Roger Federer - The Greatest Tennis Player of All Time

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sports lover guide

By Abhishek Chandel

Federer begin playing tennis at the age of 8 but was also interested in other sports like badminton and basketball

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By the age of 11, Federer was already the top junior tennis player

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Federer decided to focus solely on tennis and began participating in two tournaments per month as a serious teen player

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He became the national champion of all age groups in Switzerland at the age of 14

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Federer's father advised him to aim for a top 100 ranking so that he could start getting paid instead of paying to enter tournaments. He took this advice seriously and quickly rose through the ranks

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He turned professional in 1998 and had already won Wimbledon and the Orange Bowl as a junior player

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Federer considers serving as the most challenging aspect of tennis and worked on improving his forearm strength to enhance his serve

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He experiences a mix of emotions regarding fame and celebrity status, sometimes enjoying it and other times finding it strange

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Federer has played tennis tournaments in 23 countries and has won tournaments in 15 countries

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Federer married Mirka Vavrinec in 2009. They met at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, where they were both competing for Switzerland.

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