Here are some of the basic rules of football

sports lover guide

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By AbhishekChandel

Football match played in two halves of 45 minutes each

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7 players  Minimum needed for a match, of 11 players per team (one goalkeeper required)

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Field: Football Field basically two types artificial or natural grass

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The Pitch size may be varies but it  must be within 100-130 yards long and 50-100 yards wide.

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Ball: The size of a football has remained unchanged for 120 years, with a circumference of 28 inches

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Substitutions: Each team can name up to 7 substitute players

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Maximum of 3 substitutions per team. In case of injury after using all substitutions, the team plays with fewer players

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Officials: In football One referee and two assistant referees are in the game

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Referee manages time and takes important decisions. Assistant referees function to  assist with offside calls and take other decisions

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