Key Considerations for Paris 2024 Olympics

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Sports lover guide

By Abhishek chandel

Image and Reputation France's goal: Host a successful Paris 2024 Olympics

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Key focus:  Safety, welcoming spectators, and improving the country's global image

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Challenges:  Past incidents and expensive tickets

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Concerns: Investigations into conflicts of interest and financial issues

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Money Matters Issue: Past host cities often face financial struggles

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Current situation: France's budget looks balanced, but little room for extra spending

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Key question: Can they manage revenue and expenses effectively?

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Impact on Society Opportunity: Paris 2024 can boost sports in society

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Priority:  Promote sports in schools, universities, suburbs, and workplaces

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Positive sign:  Many volunteers show commitment

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Must-do:  Improve inclusion for people with disabilities in sports and daily life

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Overall Message Paris 2024 can make France proud

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Success depends on tackling these challenges as the Games near

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