Roger Federer's Foundation: Helping Kids in Africa Learn

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Sports lover guide

By Abhishek chandel

The Story: Roger Federer started a foundation in 2004 to help kids in Southern Africa and Switzerland go to good schools

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He cares a lot about education because it's important for everyone, just like having enough food or a place to sleep. His mom inspired him, and seeing poverty in South Africa firsthand made him want to help

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What They Do: The foundation gives money to schools (over $52 million so far!) so underprivileged kids can get a quality education

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This has helped over 1.5 million children in more than 7,000 schools!

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Why Education is Important: Going to school helps kids break free from poverty, get better jobs, and plan for the future

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Especially for girls, education can keep them healthy and safe from child marriage and unwanted pregnancies. Learning also helps people be more tolerant, responsible, and involved in their communities

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Challenges: There aren't enough good schools or teachers in Africa for all the kids who need them

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How They Raise Money: Roger plays special tennis matches around the world to raise money, over $52 million so far!

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He's even played with famous players like Rafael Nadal in a series called "Match in Africa." Big companies and organizations also help with donations

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The Result: Roger's foundation has made a big difference in the lives of many children in Africa He's a great athlete who also cares about helping others!

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