Top 10 Most Popular Sports in America but here are some of the most popular

sports lover guide

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By Abhishek Chandel

American Football: With its massive viewership and revenue, American Football dominates the sports scene in the US

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Basketball:  Some of the greatest basketball players, that the NBA has produced making it a beloved sport in America

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Baseball: "America's favorite sport," baseball has a strong fan base and a rich history in the country.

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Ice Hockey: Popular in North America, ice hockey has a dedicated following and a strong presence in the US

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Soccer: Though it took time to gain popularity, soccer now attracts millions of viewers and fans in the US

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Golf: A sport accessible to all, golf has gained popularity in America with renowned players like Tiger Woods

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Boxing: Americans have a deep love for boxing, and it boasts a strong fan base in the country

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Motorsports: NASCAR draws millions of spectators, reflecting the American love for adrenaline and adventure

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Tennis: American tennis has produced iconic stars and continues to captivate audiences

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