Why Roger Federer Is a Beloved Tennis Icon

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Sports lover guide

By Abhishek chandel

Nice Guy:  People really like Roger Federer because he's a good person

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Family Man:  He has a happy family with his wife and kids, which is something people admire

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Smooth Tennis:  When he plays tennis, it looks smooth and beautiful

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Friendly and Polite: Roger is friendly and polite, like a prince but not stuck-up. He always looks calm and dressed nicely

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Win or Lose:  Whether he wins or loses, he acts like a good sport

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Loves Tennis:  You can tell he really loves playing tennis

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Helps Kids:  He gives money to help kids in Africa and Switzerland go to school

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Speaks Many Languages:  Roger can talk to fans from all over the world because he speaks lots of languages

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Loyal Husband:  He's been with his wife for a long time and stays loyal to her.

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Good at Moving: Roger moves well on the tennis court to stay healthy.

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Amazing Shots: People love watching his beautiful backhand and volleys.

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Great Role Model: Roger Federer is a great example because he's kind, cares about his family, and helps others, which makes people like him in tennis and everywhere else.

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